【 ^ ^;; 】201212 [分享]《TIME雜誌》泰民 - Never Gonna Dance Again: ACT2
201212 [分享] TIME雜誌「The Songs and Albums That Defined K-Pop's Monumental Year in 2020」泰民 - Never Gonna Dance Again: ACT2
泰民的聲音是令人著迷的。它細膩但不乏味,夾雜著氣息,但又不缺乏實質性的東西——像是對耳朵輕柔的愛撫。這種音色是Never Gonna Dance Again:Act 2的中心,而這張專輯是2020年最具凝聚力的發行之一。每個曲目都以突出SHINee和SuperM成員泰民的演唱為亮點,而樂器的背景從專輯的第一個曲目過渡到最後一個逐漸柔和。
第一首同時也是主打曲的「IDEA」,其特點是具有響亮的管弦樂貝斯音色,而緊接著的歌曲「Heaven」和「Impressionable」則以深沈的合唱聲為標誌。但這張專輯從「Be Your Enemy」開始出現了轉變,這是一首與Red Velvet 的Wendy合作的空靈二重唱,最後以「Identity」結尾,在這首歌中,大部分歌曲都用深沈的呼氣取代了打擊樂的部分以保持節奏。
FR:TIME / 翻譯:李泰民吧 / 轉載自FB:Chilshness by馬馬~~~謝謝^^
Never Gonna Dance Again: Act 2, Taemin
There’s something bewitching about Taemin’s voice. It’s delicate but not weak, breathy but not lacking substance—something like a gentle caress to the ear. This vocal timbre is at the center of Never Gonna Dance Again: Act 2, one of the most cohesive-sounding 2020 releases. Each track spotlights the SHINee and SuperM member’s singing against a backdrop of instrumentals that gradually soften in progression from the album’s first track to the last. “Idea,” the opener and lead single, features a resounding orchestral bassline while the songs that follow immediately, “Heaven” and “Impressionable,” are marked by deep choral vocals. But the album takes a turn starting with “Be Your Enemy”—an ethereal duet with singer Wendy from Red Velvet—ending with “Identity,” where, for most of the song, deep exhalations replace a percussion section to keep the rhythm.
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