161118 Music Bank
161119 音樂中心
161120 인기가요 Inkigayo
161125 Music Bank
161126 Show Music core
161127 Inkigayo
161118 Music Bank [Tell Me What To Do]【官方】
SHINee 샤이니_Comeback Stage ‘Tell Me What To Do’_KBS MUSIC BANK_2016.11.18
뮤직뱅크 - [희망경주, 함께하는 대한민국] 샤이니 - Tell Me What To Do.20161118
161118 샤이니 (SHINee) Tell Me What To Do [전체] 직캠 Fancam (뮤직뱅크 in 경주) by Mera
161118 샤이니 (SHINee) Tell Me What To Do 드라이 리허설 [전체] 직캠 Fancam (뮤직뱅크 in 경주) by Mera
161119 音樂中心 - SHINee _Tell Me What To Do
[Comeback Stage] SHINee - Tell Me What To Do, 샤이니 - 텔 미 왓 투두 Show Music core 20161119
161119 音樂中心 - SHINee _Tell Me What To Do 全員FANCAM官頻
[예능연구소] 샤이니 Tell Me What To Do @쇼!음악중심_20161119 Tell Me What To Do SHINee in 4K
161119 音樂中心 - SHINee _Tell Me What To Do 個人Fancam
MINHO:[예능연구소] 샤이니 Tell Me What To Do 민호 Focused @쇼!음악중심_20161119
TAEMIN :[예능연구소] 샤이니 Tell Me What To Do 태민 Focused @쇼!음악중심_20161119
ONEW:[예능연구소] 샤이니 Tell Me What To Do 온유 Focused @쇼!음악중심_20161119

161120 SHINee (샤이니) - Interview @ SBS Inkigayo
《Comeback Special》 SHINee (샤이니) - Tell Me What To Do @인기가요 Inkigayo 20161120

161126 Show Music core-SHINee - Tell Me What To Do
[HOT] SHINee - Tell Me What To Do, 샤이니 - 텔 미 왓 투두 Show Music core 20161126
161127 Inkigayo
《Emotional》 SHINee (샤이니) - Tell Me What To Do @인기가요 Inkigayo 20161127